American Century Investments is a company that sells mutual funds with 178346M in assets under management. The opinions expressed are those of American Century Investments or the portfolio manager and are no guarantee of the future performance of any American Century Investments portfolio.
American Century Investments S P A C E Encompas
Trailing Return 3 Months.

American century performance. The average manager tenure for all managers at American Century Investments is 996 years. Q1 2021 Performance Update. The Macroaxis performance score is an integer between 0 and 100 that represents Americans market performance from a risk-adjusted return perspective.
5-Year Average Return 1097. In depth view into TWVLX American Century Value Inv including performance dividend history holdings and portfolio stats. A successful company as American Century cannot have such a poor-performing fund.
American Century manager performance is based on estimating its risk-adjusted returns and manager attribution analysis. These indexes can act as benchmarks that will help you to understand American Century Gov stock market performance in a much more refined way. The average expense ratio from all mutual funds is 091.
View American Century Investments mutual funds performance ratings and rankings yields distributions and documents. American Century Ultra Inv TWCUX Performance Morningstar. Number of Years Up 26.
Mutual Fund performance charts for American Century On a scale of 0 to 100 American Century holds a performance score of 0. This material has been prepared for educational purposes only. Connect With Us.
Trailing Performance 5 Years. The oldest fund launched was in 1971. The information contained in the links below was obtained from the underlying fund companies and has not been independently verified by the Bright Directions College Savings Program.
American Century Value Inv TWVLX 959 -008 -083 USD Apr 30. Century Performance Center is the site for racers street rodders and auto enthusiasts. Morningstar Return Rating.
At Macroaxis we take it even further. Sanderson Headers 1 dealer Kwik-Shift shifters Motofeet Engine stands JBA and Dougs Headers Made4You Products and more. Performance information for the American Century Value Fund does not reflect the imposition of the sales charges or other fees and expenses Bright Directions imposes.
7657 of all the mutual funds are no load funds. Number of Years Down 10. Brand name parts at low prices.
Overall American Century Ultra Investor TWCUX has a high Zacks Mutual Fund rank and in conjunction with its comparatively strong performance worse downside risk and lower fees American. Trailing Performance 3 Months. 1 312 384-4000.
Performance The fund has returned 7206 percent over the past year 2505 percent over the past three years 2298 percent over the past five years and 1687 percent over the past decade. This material has been prepared for educational purposes only. The fund has returned 1153 percent over the past year 748 percent over the past three years 1012 percent over the past five years and 866 percent over the past decade.
Best 1 Yr Total Return Feb 3. The funds continue to lose money at an unacceptable rate. Trailing Performance 1 Year.
View American Century Investments mutual funds performance ratings and rankings yields distributions and documents. The opinions expressed are those of American Century Investments or the portfolio manager and are no guarantee of the future performance of any American Century Investments portfolio.